Thursday, August 13, 2009

International Field Programs I'm participating in include:

Spain: Sevilla & Cordoba - City Tours

Morocco: Marrakech and Camel Trek in Sahara - 4 days - includes a camel trek with the nomads and spending the night in a nomad tent. Also touring the city of Marrakech.

Ghana: (Birthday Country) Cape Coast Historical Tour - includes a visit to Kakum National Park where I will walk in the tree tops via canopy bridges. And then tour the infamous forts, castles, and slave dungeons of Ghana.

South Africa: Three Day Safari to Kruger National Park - includes game drives every day in open 4 x 4 vehicles. Experience how nature comes to life with the sun in an early morning game drive and search for sitings of the Big Five.

Mauritius: Snorkeling

India: Taj Mahal and Varanasi

Vietnam: $100 solution at an orphanage. Flying to Cambodia to visit Ankgor Wat (supposedly a wonder of the world!)

Hong Kong: City Orientation - oldest temple in the city, Aberdeen, sampan ride, Victoria Peak

Beijing- 4 days- Tri shaw ride (3 wheeled bicycle!)
Visit Family for tea and refreshments and dinner at a family's home where I will learn how to make a dumpling
Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square
Great Wall of China
Chinese Acrobatic Show
Shanghai: Tasting the Daily Life of a Shanghai citizen - learn the art of chinese cooking, medicine.

Yokohama: Yokohama and Tokyo overnight - explore highlights of Japan's capital
Landmark Tower: tallest building in Japan

Kobe: International Student Exchange and Homestay (Osaka) - Meet students from a University at the ship and have a welcome party before going to my host's home.

Honolulu and Hilo Hawaii: Snorkeling, Volcano Tours, Pearl Harbor and Beach!

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