Sunday, October 10, 2010

Birthday Bash Week!

After our weekend in York it was my birthday week! Turning the big 1-9! haha. The week started with the usual class on Monday, a wonderful day of no classes on Tuesday. Tuesday evening our meet-a-family picked us up for dinner and we met them for the first time. Our parents names are Vincent and Penny and they are an older couple but have children ranging from 25 to 30. Vincent is a retired CPA and Penny just seems to do a lot of things including volunteering at the Red Cross. They drove us to their farm in Grantham and they have a lovely farm house that is hundreds of years old. We still haven't gotten to see the whole thing -- hopefully we will get a tour soon! They are really nice and it's great to be able to get away for dinner every once in a while. That night she made us chicken stuffed with cheese and sun dried tomatoes! It was delicious. It is very interesting to be around English people and learn their customs- we don't get to experience that here at Harlaxton with a school full of Americans. Back to class on Wednesday and then I went on a trip to Tattershall Castle. The brick castle is not very far away and was an optional/free trip with the school. Wonder how many castles and cathedrals I can possibly see during one semester?!

That evening was Harlaxton's Jersey Shore Party downstairs in The Bistro. Everyone dressed up like they were from the show and we had a dance. It was pretty fun. The best part was just getting ready. We put huge poofs in our hair and put bronzer on so we'd look orange, and then put on some not so tasteful clothing. Here is a pic with me and my new WKU friend, Jessie!

The next day, Thursday, September 23rd, was my birthday!!! I was so excited to open all my cards from people and just have a great day regardless of the one class I had. I ordered myself cupcakes from Grantham, I know - kind of pathetic, but I treated myself. They came that afternoon and were so cute. Carrot cake and Banana Cake with chocolate icing. That evening me and 9 friends walked down our mile long driveway to The Gregory, a semi-fancy restaurant that was delicious. Thursday nights are steak nights so it was perfect! 2 people get 2 steaks, fries, and a bottle of wine for 25 pounds! Good deal, right?! We all had an awesome time together. It was a night filled with great friends, good food, and lots of laughter! We came back to the castle and had cupcakes in the room and the traditional game of hot-and-cold for me to find my presents. This tradition started in London when I decided it would be fun to hide Stephanie's present. The game has progressed and this time I had to find 4 different spots where gifts were hidden. They thought they would be clever and hide my earrings under the beer hat that Shelby was wearing -- that was the first place I looked. Here's a picture of Shelby for you mom! It was a really fun birthday!

It was complete with cards from all of my friends and family, thank you!!

The next day, Friday, we had class and the rest of the weekend we stayed at Harlaxton and enjoyed some sleep!! We also went out in Grantham one night and had a lot of fun dancing! They played really good music. So that was our exciting week in Harlaxton.

The weeks are going by surprisingly fast. Today, 10/10/2010 is exactly two months from when I will be waking up in my very own bed.

My blog about Paris is coming up next. Thanks for being patient with me. These blogs take me forever!

Love and miss you all!


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